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All of Our Missionaries are supported through Faith Promise.

We Support both foreign and home field missionaries and we carry out the great commission

ourselves through regular door to door visitation

"What Is Faith Promise Missions Giving?"

2 Corinthians 9:7

"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly,

or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."   II Corinthians 9:7

Across the Seas

Across the States

Across the Street


I am very excited about our Faith Promise Mission Month each March.  We realize that through our participation in Faith Promise Missions many in the world who have never once heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ will have this opportunity.  God help us to reach out to the lost world.

Before we look at what Faith Promise Mission Giving is, let us first see what it is Not.

It is not a pledge!  No one but God knows what you promised.

It is not something that someone will call on you to collect.

It is not ever to be taken away from your tithes & offerings.


What is the Faith Promise

It is strictly between you & God.  If you decide you cannot give as you promised then you tell God alone.  Only He and you will know.

It is waiting before the Lord for His instructions as to what He wants you to give in reaching the world with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It must be carried on by faith that God will supply for other things which arise as you proceed in giving what you promised Him. (II Cor. 9:7-8)


What is the Aim of the Faith Promise Plan

Its aim is to never glorify individuals or organizations - Only Jesus Christ!

Its sole purpose is to support the work of world evangelism which is commanded by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  (Mark 16:15)  It is designed to bring us into a closer and completely dependent attitude upon God and a more blessed fellowship with Him.


The Faith Promise Plan Is in Accord with the Spirit of the New Testament

It is Scriptural.  According to II Cor.8 & 9. The Apostle Paul practiced it.   He would ask the churches to promise a certain amount and give them an allotted time to get it together then would come to pick up their gifts using them in the establishing of churches and winning the lost for Jesus Christ.  (I Cor. 16:2)

It makes giving a spiritual thing and establishes true consecration as the only valid basis for sharing with God our means.   We"purpose" in our heart to give.   This is the Bible plan. (II Cor. 8:4-5 and 9:7)3.   It is an act of absolute faith with trust in the Lord.  It sets a definite goal for our future service to the Lord.

It is church centered, and provides missionary giving, which otherwise might not be available to individuals.


How the Faith Promise Plan Is Carried Out

1st Sunday morning, in April  you will be asked to indicate, on a special card provided, what amount you will give weekly for the next year.  You do this without putting your name on it.

The money given through Faith Promise Missions will be recorded and the amount kept separately. The Faith Promise is taken up by the children of the Church each Sunday Morning. Please put your offering in an envelope without your name on it.


Faith Promise Missions is an expression of our obedience to Christ's command to "make disciples of all people."